Sponsorship Recognition
Thank You To Our 2025
Charity Tournament Sponsors!
Closing Ceremonies Sponsor

Breakfast Sponsor
Prize Sponsor / Beverage Cart Sponsor
Prize Sponsor and Beverage Cart Sponsor Sponsor Still Available
Score Card / Golf Cart Sponsor
Longest Drive Sponsor / Closest to the Pin Sponsor
Closest to the Pin Sponsor Still Available
Driving Range Sponsor / Hole-in-One Contest Sponsor
Driving Range Sponsor Available / AMY HARDING
Sponsor a Team of New Grads / Early Career Dentists
Hole Sponsors
Hole Sponsorships Are Still Available

Still Accepting Donations

If you would like to donate and/or be apart of our fund raising event (via sponsorship and/or playing in the tournament), please contact Cindy Kramer at 360-956-0828 or tmcdentalsociety@gmail.com and she will be happy to get you additional information on packages and benefits of sponsorships/donations.
Thank You!